Once upon a time in the quaint village of Dinan, there lived a unique girl named Makenna. She was the cherished daughter of a merchant named Frongsua. Unlike the other girls in her village, Makenna had distinctive habits and a style all her own. She had a passion for reading and writing fables, which she lovingly shared with the village children.
Makenna had a special bond with her father, who had raised her since birth after her mother passed away a month after she was born. She seldom dwelled on the past, focusing instead on learning new things and enjoying her beautiful life and freedom.
One remarkable trait set Makenna apart from others: she was multilingual. This unique ability led her to an extraordinary adventure. She traveled to the land of Kremlin with her father to purchase goods. During her stay, she not only learned about the local culture but also delighted the children of Kremlin with her entertaining tales. Her stories were so amusing that they caught the attention of Prince Felix of Kremlin.
Intrigued by the tales, Prince Felix wanted to meet Makenna in person. Disguising himself as an apprentice, he joined the children to listen to her stories firsthand. The moment he saw Makenna, he fell in love. Despite their differences in age and social status, the prince was captivated by her warmth and the joy she brought to others.
Prince Felix began conversing with Makenna, who, unaware of his true identity, responded with genuine happiness. Eventually, the prince revealed himself and proposed to her. Overwhelmed and surprised, Makenna questioned how he could accept her humble origins, seeing herself as just an ordinary girl.
Prince Felix reassured her, saying, “I don’t care about your background. True love is about the deep connection between two people.” He professed, “I accept you, Makenna, just as you are.”
Makenna, in disbelief but full of joy, gathered her thoughts and responded with a resounding “Yes.”
Makenna became a beloved Princess of Kremlin, deeply adored by Prince Felix. Their love story culminated in a beautiful wedding, and they went on to become the King and Queen of Kremlin, living happily ever after.