Chapter 1: The “Computer”
In a land of mystical wonder, three enigmatic creatures named Peter, Panter, and Penter embarked on an extraordinary journey. They achieved the unimaginable by inventing the 'Computer'. But this wasn't your average machine. Could it talk? Fly? Swim? The dragons eagerly awaited to check off any of these possibilities. Dear readers, brace yourselves for the most remarkable technological marvel you may ever encounter.
However, this unique computer had one major flaw. It wasn't the cost, quality, or speed that posed a problem. Surprisingly, the issue was its inability to retain any data. The three ingenious dragons were well aware of this, having made a deliberate decision to cut production costs.
Chapter 2: The Announcement
On a peculiar snowy summer day, Peter, Panter, and Penter descended into the local city, each carrying enormous boxes filled with their bespoke computers. They set up a makeshift table from thin air at a lucky spot and began their pitch.
“Hey, everyone! Buy our latest computer for just $10, refunds accepted!” Peter the dragon's voice echoed through the bustling streets.
The enticing offer quickly drew a crowd. Fairies in gray military attire and curious walking fish craned their necks for a better view, allured by the attractive price tag.
“We demand a demonstration to believe in this deal,” the skeptical crowd jeered.
With confident smiles, the three dragons showcased the computer’s features, conveniently glossing over its memory issues.
Chapter 3: Success?
In no time, the trio convinced the crowd, and their seemingly endless stacks of computers transformed into baskets of $10 'fairy pounds.' Proud of their achievement, they teleported to the local bank, depositing their newfound wealth for safekeeping.
But the dragons were shrewd. Anticipating a slew of 'Wanted Posters' highlighting their deception, they knew their posters would soar with wings, not just stick to walls. Panter cleverly deposited the money into his mother’s account, ensuring their safety from the impending dangers.
Ignoring protests about the computer’s memory, they focused on their next move. That night, after celebrating their windfall, they dug a magnificent basement. This basement was so deep, even Mount Everest would envy it.
Chapter 4: Serendipity or Not?
The dragons ceased their sales the following night, overwhelmed by a torrent of complaints and global disdain.
The abundance of talking newspapers and circulating ‘wanted posters’ thrust them into an unwelcome spotlight. The trio, now gripped by fear and worldwide animosity, found themselves hiding in their basement, trembling with anxiety.
Despite their efforts, they sought help from Panter’s mother, sending her an email via their last unsold computer. She was to retrieve the money from the bank.
Obliging her son’s request, Mother Dragon, with a heart racing with excitement, dashed to the local bank carrying a black bag emblazoned with dollar signs. She managed to maintain her composure and avoid suspicion.
At the bank, she was greeted by a fairy dressed in gray military attire. When she requested the funds, the fairy responded, “I can't return your money. I bought a computer from three dragons, and it works perfectly except for its faulty memory.”
Mother Dragon was stunned into silence as the fairy explained how the computer’s malfunction led to the bank's closure. Realizing their earnings were irretrievably lost, she left, heartbroken and weeping.
“If you spot these three dragons, as seen on these flying wanted posters, arrest them immediately!” the fairy declared.
In the end, Mother Dragon, defeated and sorrowful, departed from the bank, her dreams shattered by the deceit of her own kin.