Once upon a time, in a distant magical kingdom where princes and princesses lived happily ever after, and ogres, fairies, and other mystical creatures coexisted in harmony, all seemed perfect. However, there was one small problem.
The horses in the palace stables were all unhappy and jealous because of a beautiful Pegasus among them. They felt unappreciated next to his incredible ability to fly. Consumed with envy, they devised a plot to get rid of the Pegasus.
One day, during their daily excursion outside the castle, a brown horse lured the Pegasus into a barn, claiming a friend had been injured by an arrow. A huntsman had supposedly mistaken the horse for a stag.
Eager to help, the Pegasus flew to the barn immediately. Inside, a black stallion awaited, guiding him toward some haystacks. However, no injured horse was to be found.
"Where is the injured horse?" inquired the Pegasus.
"Oh, Pegasus, you're so goodhearted and naive. Do you really think a huntsman would mistake a horse for a stag?" laughed the black stallion.
"If that isn't true, why did you call me here?" asked the Pegasus.
"This is why."
The black stallion untied a knot on a post, triggering a trap. Empty gasoline canisters were scattered around, revealing their grim intent.
The black stallion whistled, and torches flew in through the windows, igniting the hay around the Pegasus. The black stallion, not looking back, walked toward the door as the fire engulfed the barn.
But the door was accidentally locked. Despite his efforts, the black stallion couldn't open it. Panic set in; this wasn't part of the plan. He turned to see the Pegasus calmly freeing himself from the trap.
The Pegasus, unafraid of the fire, methodically loosened the ropes. He spread his magnificent wings and flew through the barn's roof, breaking free from the trap.
Looking down at the burning barn, the Pegasus saw the black stallion trapped. Without hesitation, he swooped down into the flames to rescue him. The other horses were astonished, never expecting the Pegasus to save someone who tried to kill him.
They were proven wrong, for the Pegasus was a gentle, kind-hearted creature, always eager to help regardless of the situation. From that day on, friendship and respect flourished not only outside but also within the palace stables.